Dienstag, Dezember 03, 2013

"Sind Männer die neue Unterschicht?"

Die Männerrechtsbewegung, nicht zuletzt Genderama als "Leitmedium", mag den zeitigen Anschluss an und die Vernetzung mit der "Movember"-Kampagne verschusselt haben, aber die angestoßene Debatte ist auch im Dezember noch nicht vorüber (und das ist gut so). So stellt auch Die Welt ihren Lesern heute die Hintergründe dieser Kampagne vor. Grundsätzlicher wird das kanadische Magazin "Chill", das den "Movember" als Aufhänger dafür verwendet, auf die Situation von Männern in unserer Gesellschaft insgesamt aufmerksam zu machen:

For the past month, we've been inundated with images of the indestructable Alpha male that is Ron Swanson. The quintessential man's man from NBC's Parks and Recreation, played by Nick Offerman, has acted as the de facto ambassador of Movember. His gruff, moustachioed mug—as seen in several viral videos for the campaign—harkens back to a traditional archetype of masculinity. One where hunting, oiling your gun and never crying are all a guy needs to get by.

It’s a prototype of a man some believe doesn’t exist anymore, but one that nevertheless still offends people. In a recent column published in the McGill Daily, Ralph Haddad argues Movember is sexist because it's characterized by "an archaic view of gender," as well as "overarching shows of masculinity, and a general overload of testosterone." An article in The Link, Concordia University's independent newspaper, takes it even further, arguing the movement sees men "raise money towards saving a group of extremely privileged people—themselves."

But a growing tide of people argue this concept of "male privilege" — the theory that men have innate social, economic and political advantages based solely on their sex — is a myth nowadays. Male social status, they say, has drastically changed, and in this shifting landscape of gender politics, dudes are getting the short end of the stick.

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