Freitag, September 04, 2015

"Frauen sollen massenvergewaltigt und nackt durchs Dorf gejagt werden" – Wenn deutsche Leitmedien über Indiens Männer schreiben

"Egal, was Genderama schreibt, in Indien geht es Frauen in Sachen sexueller Gewalt sehr wohl ganz furchtbar dreckig" – das dürften sich viele denken, wenn sie die heute in zahllosen deutschen Medien wie WELT, BILD, STERN, FOCUS usw. verbreiteten Artikel lesen, denen zufolge ein Dorfrat in Indien eine Massenvergewaltigung zweier Frauen angeordnet habe, weil ihre Schwester mit einem Mann aus einer höheren Kaste durchbrannte. Das Problem bei dieser Nachricht: Sie ist vermutlich falsch. Das berichtete gestern die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters:

Now, members of the village council in the Baghpat region of northern India have told Reuters they passed no such order. Family members of the two sisters also told Reuters they are unsure if the ruling was made. And local police deny any such directive was given.

(...) Family members said in interviews with Reuters the information that the council made such an order may have just been gossip. "It is all hearsay, we don't know if this actually happened," said Dharam Pal Singh, 55, the women's father and a retired soldier. "We heard it from other villagers."

(...) Reuters interviewed more than 20 people involved in the incident in the village of Sankrod, in Baghpat district, an hour's drive away from the capital New Delhi, where closely packed concrete homes are surrounded by corn and cane fields. There were many discrepancies in the accounts offered by the families of the sisters and the married woman, members of the village council, the lawyer who drew up the Supreme Court petition, and police officials.But no one said they had any evidence that the council had handed down the rape punishment, as alleged in the court petition. The petition said the council was comprised of upper caste men. The village council is actually more than 80 percent female and headed by a woman who, like the sisters, is from the bottom of the caste hierarchy. "How many times do I have to tell you that there was no meeting?" said Bala Devi, 55, who has run the council for the last five years. "We spend our time discussing mundane things like fixing the roads or water pumps."

Das lesen Sie heute auf Genderama. Die Mehrheit der Mediennutzer liest das, was zum Beispiel die WELT berichtet:

Da ihr Bruder gegen die Kastenregeln liebt, droht zwei Schwestern die Schändung durch die Männer im Dorf. Wer das Urteil gefällt hat? Die Männer im Dorf.

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