Mittwoch, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams – ein weiteres Scheidungsopfer?

Der britische Männerrechtler Mike Buchanan bezieht sich in einem aktuellen Blogeintrag auf einen Artikel des Boulevardblatts The Sun (andere Medien berichten ähnlich) über den überraschenden Tod des bekannten Filmstars:

Tormented Robin Williams was battling money problems after two costly divorces, friends said yesterday. The 63-year-old comic was also deeply upset at having to take roles he did not enjoy because he needed the money – and became a recluse as his depression deepened.

One friend said: "All he could talk about were serious money troubles. There was also frustration at TV and movie roles he didn’t want to take, but had to for the pay check."

Robin confessed he was "in need of a steady job" last year after he signed up for TV show The Crazy Ones, which was a flop. He said, "There are bills to pay. My life has downsized. I just can’t afford it anymore. Divorce is expensive. It’s ripping your heart through your wallet."

Ist einem berühmten Schauspieler also dasselbe Leid widerfahren, was vielen namenlosen Männern zustößt, für deren Schicksal sich außer uns Masku-Nazis aber niemand groß interessiert?

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