Montag, August 18, 2014

"Experten" ratlos: Warum bringen sich immer mehr Männer mittleren Alters um?

Die kanadische National Post wundert sich:

In the past decade, the rate of suicide among North American middle-aged men has far outpaced men of other ages, and women of any age. Men between the ages of 50-54 have the highest rate of suicide among all Canadians — 24.2 per 100,000 people in 2011, compared to 9.1 for women of the same age (also a peak rate among women). Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States found the rate of suicide for people aged 35-64 increased 28.4% between 1999-2010. For men, the greatest increases were between the ages of 50-54 and 55-59, at rates of nearly 50% each.

"The actual numbers are throwing this curveball at us," said Dan Bilsker, a clinical psychologist in Vancouver who has spent 25 years working with suicidal patients at Vancouver General Hospital. "Something new has developed socially here, some new phenomena are happening. We don’t really have the wherewithal to understand it."

(...) But that’s partly because "the research really hasn’t been done," he said. "If I were giving out research funding, I would be asking people to do extensive, real research and exploration with middle-aged men to find out what might be the factors that would be driving them to suicide? What are the stresses that are particular to that point in life, even to people who’ve been objectively successful? What might cause someone to feel subjectively that they’re failing or that they have failed?"

(...) "When I first learned about [the statistics], I had the same reaction — I wouldn’t think,” said Robert Olson, a librarian with the centre. "It’s the same thing with Robin Williams — he’s at a privileged spot in society, why would he want to kill himself? Men generally are the same — they’re in power, they run things… It’s counter-intuitive. It doesn’t make sense."

Okay, das ist fast schon so dumm, dass es weh tut.

Hmmmm, woran könnte es nur liegen, dass sich Männer immer öfter das Leben nehmen? Die ganze Gesellschaft ist auf die Anliegen von Frauen ausgerichtet. Die feministische Phantasie, der zufolge jeder Mann qua Geschlechtszugehörigkeit in einer Machtposition sitzt, hat sich als allgemeines Dogma durchgesetzt, das sich jeglicher Überprüfung an der Realität entzieht. Dass Männer zahlreiche gravierende Probleme haben, wird in der Debatte so massiv ausgegrenzt, dass selbst diese "Experten" kaum davon gehört zu haben scheinen. Und wenn eine neue soziale Bewegung entsteht, die sich dieser Probleme annimmt, wird diese von Anfang an so massiv wie möglich unter Beschuss genommen. Ja, die Frage, warum immer mehr Männer in dieser Welt keine Zukunft für sich mehr sehen, lässt einen wirklich vollständig ratlos zurück.

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