Mittwoch, April 16, 2008

Was Barack Obama nicht sagte

In der US-amerikanischen Studentenzeitschrift "The Student Operated Press" nimmt Nancy Lee Wolfe ein paar wohlklingende Sätze des US-Senators und möglicherweise zukünftigen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Barack Obama im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Abtreibung kritisch unter die Lupe. Ein Auszug:

After thanking the group for their work and making reference to his campaign, Obama told the group, “I think about my own two daughters, Sasha and Malia; and, sometimes it makes me stop and it makes me wonder, ‘What kind of America will our daughters grow up in? Will our daughters grow up with the same opportunities as our sons? Will our daughters have the same rights, the same dreams and the same freedoms to pursue their own version of happiness?’”

Frankly, the idea that sons have any rights-- much less equal rights-- in the abortion decision is to live in the archaic notions about the role of a father in the family. Sons and, therefore, fathers, have no rights or protections regarding the decision to abort a child.

Do sons have a choice? No, sons do not, Senator. Why not? Surely, common sense tells us that sons should have the same opportunity to choose as your daughters; surely the dreams of a son are as precious as the dreams of your daughters. Should sons enjoy the same freedom to pursue their version of happiness?

Why not?

Sons who discover someone’s daughter is pregnant are totally at the mercy of the daughter to whom all power has been given. If a son has dreams of attending college, seeing the world or becoming a sports hero, is he hostage to the daughter who will not consent to an abortion? Paternity tests tie sons to an unwanted child until death they do part. Sons, however, cannot bring death to the unborn. Daughters are backed by Law to such a degree that sons are put in jail if they fail to meet their responsibility-- child support.

With their dreams discarded, sons soon learn how few rights they have. Their struggle is not a choice, it’s a mandate. If no appeal will persuade daughters to abort the unborn child, sons are stuck. Period.

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